Category: Blog
Tags: addiction, addictive behaviors, addictive lifestyles, altruism, altruistic behavior, anxiety, attitude, attitude of gratitude, attractor patterns, authentic life, blame, brain damage, brain injury, Bulimia, career, consciousness of wellness, cycle of addiction, disease, dna, DNA sequence, emotion, epigenetics, ethers, faith, family, fear, financial, free floating anxiety, frequency, gene, genetic gene pool, good habits, healing, healing happens, healthy, healthy habits, heaven, Heaven on Earth, higher power, highest good, illness, immediate gratification, infinite possibilities, instant gratification, integrity, intellectual, intentions, karmically correct, life affirming habits, Lily Rose, metamorphose, miracle, new science, nine areas of wellness, perception, personal success, physical, positive energy, predisposition to a disease, recreation, redirecting energy, resonating, responsibility, romance, self-esteem, self-worth, social, solution, spiritual, spiritual atmosphere, spiritual healing, spiritual justice, spiritual path, subconscious mind, subconsciuos programs, The, The spiritual Path, Universal law, victim, virtuous life, vision, why power, will power, wisdom, won power, worry